CPNP - Cosmetic Products Notification Portal

Cosmetic product

Cosmetic product  - any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good condition or correcting body odours.

The cosmetic products notification portal (CPNP) is a free of charge online notification system created for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products. When a product has been notified in the CPNP, there is no need for any further notification at national level within the EU.

Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009Search for available translations of the preceding  (Article 13) requires that the responsible persons and, under certain circumstances, the distributors of cosmetic products submit some information about the products they place or make available on the European market through the CPNP.

The CPNP is making this information available electronically to

  • competent authorities (for the purposes of market surveillance, market analysis, evaluation and consumer information)
  • poison centres or similar bodies established by EU countries (for the purposes of medical treatment)

The CPNP is accessible to

  • competent authorities
  • European poison centres
  • cosmetic products responsible persons
  • distributors of cosmetic products

The information submitted to the CPNP

The information submitted to the CPNP must be accurate and undoubtedly represent the product that has been decided to place on the market. Specifically, the notification to the CPNP must indicate:
  • the name or names of the product by which the product can be identified;
  • trademark, product line and specific name including function;
  • name and address of the Responsible Person;
  • if the product is intended specifically for children under 3 years of age;
  • the data of the person who can be contacted in an emergency;
  • the state of origin in case of foreign import;
  • member state of the European community of the first placing on the market;
  • the presence in the product of nanomaterials or CRM substances (carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction);
  • the outline formulation of the product, with which it is possible to recognize the category and the substances present;
  • the packaging and the product label.
The notification on the CPNP must be updated whenever there is any change, such as, for example, the change of name, the change of the label or brand graphics, a change in the format, or even if the Responsible Person changes.

our SERVICES FOR CPNP notification

To use the CPNP portal, the notifier must create an EU Login (former ECAS) account and must request access in SAAS. We can provide assistance in creating of EU account for new users.

We can also support your company to provide assistance in the notification process. The processes of registration and notification are sophistic and unless you are using it every day it can be time-consuming to use and manage. However, those procedures can be solved with our help and without your participation. We can upload the information about your products via our account.

We can be control your data in CPNP and update it as need. Contact us to see how our services can benefit you.  

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